Meeting information is available on the Calendar page.
This page will now include notices and general information.
See the About UMBS page to contact Board Members.
The MEMBERS ONLY and BLOG pages are for members only and require a password. Become a member for only $35 per year!
Consider volunteering for the Upper Midwest Bead Society. There are lots of committee positions available. UMBS is only as good as we make it as volunteers. Contact any board member to volunteer. (See the About UMBS page to contact board members.)
Saturday Let's BeadLive! events stream live through the Public Upper Midwest Bead Society Facebook Page.
Monthly Member Meetings stream live through Zoom at 6:30pm CST. Periodic meetings will be held at the Carondelet Center or at the Edina Senior Center. Check the Calendar page for location information.
These meetings/links are subsequently uploaded to the Upper Midwest Bead Society Members Only Facebook Page.
Zoom links for both events are emailed to our current members.
The Let's Bead Live! videos are uploaded to our public YouTube Channel. The link is below.
The Member Meetings are uploaded to our private YouTube Channel. The link is listed on the members' only Blog page.
FYI Our meetings/events will continue to be on Zoom even after we get back together in-person
Our Public You Tube channel is now up & running! We've got the Beading Basics Live and Let's Bead Live Zoom videos uploaded and ready for viewing!! Click on the button and take a look....